2020 May News
Dear Friends of Upper Noe Recreation Center,
Note that our organization has a new name. The motivation stems from a constant need to dispel confusion about the facility’s name and which park our group represents. Since opening in 1957, the official name of the park has always been Upper Noe Recreation Center. However, when this stewardship group formed early this century, we opted for an organization name that was less accurate but more inclusive to inspire wider support, thus Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center. That reasoning has become less relevant as Upper Noe is wildly popular. A new logo emphasizes our focus on family. The updated URL is www.uppernoerecreationcenter.com. There is no danger of losing connecting links since the old URL forwards to the new one.
Crisis Workers
Upper Noe Rec Center closed its doors to the public on March 13. The entire park is completely locked down at least through June 2. Now, the staff spends Monday through Friday providing day care for children of health care and emergency services workers. “We are lucky to be able to continue working in our home facility,” says Facilities Coordinator Cheryl Woltjen. She and three of her staff assist a small group of Pre-K to 7th graders as they interact with their teachers on iPads with Zoom distance learning. Lunches provided by ChefAbles are a daily treat. “We have no problems with isolation except that some folks are still calling police when we take the kids outdoors after lunch.”
Monitor Rec & Park response to COVID-19 at https://sfrecpark.org/AlertCenter.aspx .
Donations Needed
The Rec Center is looking for new distractions for the kids. They can use children’s puzzles (never opened only) and some gently used scooters, either the kiddie scooter type or the Razor scooter type. Call the park office 415 970-8061 and they will receive them at the gate as you can see Cheryl is doing in this photo.
Friends of Upper NoeRecreation Center provides equipment and support for our wonderful neighborhood park, its patrons and staff year.-round. http://www.uppernoerecreationcenter.com/donate/
Summer Session and Summer Camp
The news from park officials this week is that there will be some sort of Summer Day Camp program but they are not ready to say what or when. Registration is normally in mid-May. Rec & Park cancelled Spring Session and issued refunds and Summer Session remains in jeopardy.
Get citywide activity updates directly from Rec & Park. Sign up at sfrecpark.org/about/publications/
Blooming Beauty
Despite the closure, gardeners are at work and the grounds look great. Take a walk around the perimeter and check out the spring blooms.
Chris Faust
Chair, Friends of Upper Noe Recreation Center