Joby’s Run – Upper Noe Dog Play AreaJoby's Run - Upper Noe Dog Play Area

The Upper Noe Dog Play Area (DPA) was dedicated as Joby’s Run in 2008 following extensive renovation that improved access, added trees and plantings, and upgraded the surface material for better drainage.

The FNVRC Dog Run Subcommittee is responsible for frequent inspection of Joby’s Run, noting conditions and community input, reporting to Rec & Park and FNVRC, and interfacing with Friends of Upper Noe Dog Owners Group (FUNDOG) which has direct stewardship responsibility for care of this DPA.

Chris Faust leads this group on the Stewardship Committee: “I have been an advocate for the DPA and the park as a whole since 2007. We have a great neighborhood and nice neighbors. The Rec Center provides a place where we can come together, get to know one another and build community. Our goals are to ensure a clean and safe environment where people want to spend time, to enhance the experience with improvements for people and dogs, and to promote communication between neighbors.”

Please email if you have questions about the dog run or about any concerns about behavior there. Call 311 to report problems with conditions.