August 2016 Newsletter
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Newsletter | August
2016 |
Did You Know?
Summer hours end Aug 19. The Rec Center will be closed every Monday beginning Aug 22.
Fall Registration Around the Park Canine Corner Community Events Volunteer Opportunities Registration Fall Activities begins Saturday, August 13 at 10 a.m. individuals and families must create new accounts. that promises to be faster, more reliable and is mobile-ready. It will be the one-stop location for everything, including the purchase of aquatics passes and program memberships. The Wish List is one cool feature of the new system. Families can browse all classes prior to registration day, select activities for each family member, store them, and then sign up for everything with one click as soon as registration opens. Should any of the classes be full, one click adds them to the wait list. For all of the details, see the Registration Information page. changes accidentally omitted some scheduled programs. Some other classes have changed their course names. If you do not see a class you want listed on registration day, inquire at the Rec Center office or just drop in on the class. Omitted: register register or register Name changes: & Thu 10 – 11:30 & Fri 4:30 – 6 See the updated Fall Daily Schedule at Upper Noe. New Archery Course is Right on Target ages 10 and up on Thursdays from 4 – 6 p.m. using an indoor range in the gym. Frowning at the Brown of rationing; it is just that the automatic sprinkler system is not functioning properly. Meanwhile, the once pleasant grassy slope along 30th Street has gone completely brown. Also, much of the ground cover on that slope is dying, no longer able to recover from the trampling by kids playing among them. Flowers and shrubs across the entire park are stunted or dead. Dust clouds emanate from the dog run constantly. If this concerns you, please Call 311 – SF Customer Service Center and complain about it, often and loudly. Your voice matters. Ladybug Gardeners August 13 are invited to help maintain our beautiful gardens. Upper Noe has been without a regular gardener for some time and the need is huge. An hour or so of your time can make a difference. Work parties are fun for the whole family and a great way to get to know your neighbors. the exterior wall along Day Street. Our painting supervisor, Joe, is a local who applies touch ups constantly. However, after eight years, this wall was ready for the works. Thanks guys!
Canine Corner is celebrating after a successful fund-raising drive that culminated in acquiring and installing a new set of gates this week. The mid-section barrier will help keep dogs in sight of owners and walkers. Both gates are able to open completely to provide options for users and to accommodate maintenance. Community Events
the Rec Center
Every Friday your support and enjoy August 13 August 13 August 17 Friends of the Noe Valley Rec Center Upper Noe. August 20 issues from Sacramento for consideration and discussion. Contact if you have an event that you would like to list. Opportunities • Help advise the city on what classes should be offered at the Upper Noe Rec Center or lead a new event. Saturday of each month from 9 to noon. All are welcome. Be a Friend. Keeping the park clean and in good repair is vital to health and safety, and to the livability of our neighborhood. Call 311 – SF Customer Service Center to report maintenance and safety issues. Thanks for your interest and support of your park! Please contact us with any questions or suggestions. Enjoy your Park! Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center |