November 2014 Newsletter
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Newsletter | November 2014
Did You Know? Upper Noe has free Zumba every Tuesday from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. ? Drop in and Dance Yourself into Shape!
Winter 2015 Program Registration Food Class Status A Swinging Good Time The Upper Noe Gets Free WiFi Ladybugs Go Native CRC/Friends Looking Forward Recent Happenings at Upper Noe Canine Corner Volunteer Opportunities Community Events Winter 2015 Program RegistrationOn-site registration for programs at Upper Noe begins December 13 @ 10:00 a.m. See the daily schedule of Upper Noe programs and registration info. Food Class StatusBaker John regrets that he will be unable to continue teaching food courses. His departure is a blow to a fine program of food preparation courses that he developed over the last two and a half years. Petite Bakers will absolutely resume in winter session with a new teacher. There is hope that a full selection of food courses will resume soon. Future Chefs has been unaffected and remains on schedule. A Swinging Good Time Upper Noe Gets Free WiFiOn October 1, Mayor Ed Lee and Rec & Park General Manager Phil Ginsburg launched free Wi-Fi connectivity in 32 city parks. Google and the San Francisco Citizens Initiative for Technology and Innovation provided the support necessary for the Wi-Fi in Parks project. The improved service should also come in handy when program registration rolls around since onsite computers are limited. Bring your laptop and connect into Rec & Park’s online registration directly. Ladybugs Go Native To manage the natives, Friends struck up an alliance with our good neighbor and environmental educator Markos Major of Climate Action Now! Markos expertly directed pruning and weeding to ensure that the garden stays true to its ecological mission. Unlike cultivated gardens, dead material on natives should not be cleared or topped. Their seed heads remain as food for the birds. Of immeasurable help on this day was our new RPD gardener, Dave. He brings years of professional experience to our traditional gardens and a passion for his trade that is remarkable. He and the rest of the gardening team have whipped the park into shape quickly. The beds and plants are so well maintained that the Ladybugs can step back again and focus on specialty projects like the natives and smaller gardens. As Ladybug Leader Joan Lionberger remarked, “The place looks so good that I don’t know what we need to do next.” But she will figure it out quickly before the next Ladybug work day, Saturday December 13 from 9 a.m. to noon. Come by and volunteer, even if you only have an hour to spare. It’s a fun way to spend the morning. CRC/Friends Looking Forward If this sounds like fun, please consider offering a helping hand. Last year, Friends held a successful History Day event in May and stepped up to host the Easter Egg Hunt at Douglass Playground in April. These wonderful events touched all ages. This year, it seems fitting to bring the Easter event to Upper Noe. It will take some vision, coordination and commitment to make it happen. Many hands make light work, so be quick like a bunny and volunteer. Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 19 at 7 p.m. at the rec center. Recent Happenings at Upper Noe Trolley Dancers Upper Noe Neighbors Discusses the Issues Zumba Party
Canine Corner Meanwhile, our new gardening staff is doing some engineering work of their own. The irrigation system that keeps the place fresh and sanitary has been a vexing problem; gravel gets packed in around the sprinkler heads clogging and jamming them. Gardening Captain Jason Mueller and his team recently worked out some unique solutions in short order. You will notice that the concrete blocks surrounding the sprinklers on the perimeter have been lifted above the surface. We are already seeing a more even pattern with almost no muddy spots. Thanks team!
Volunteers Needed• Help advise the city on what classes should be offered at the Upper Noe Rec Center. Serve a term on the Upper Noe Recreation Center’s Community Recreation Council and help shape programming at the Center. A teen member is still needed! Please contact Cheryl Woltjen at 970-8061. The form is available on our website and at the center. Please either drop it off or mail it to: Cheryl Woltjen, UNRC, 295 Day Street, SF, 94131. • Distribute our new Friends of NVRC postcard. This newsletter is distributed to nearly 1,000 “friends.” Make sure interested neighbors know about our group by helping distribute our informational postcard around the neighborhood. Please email molly (at) if you know of a good shop or cafe to distribute the postcards. Or you could help put them somewhere frequented by park users. • Lead a new event. Are you interested in organizing a new event at the Center? Maybe a game night or movie night? Please contact us at info (at) • Garden at the Park. Help keep the park beautiful by volunteering with the Ladybug Gardeners on the second Saturday of each quarter. The next date in 2014 will be September 13. All ages welcome, no experience necessary, community service hours credited. Even an hour would be a big help! Please email ladybugs (at) Community EventsAt the Rec Center November 19 December 13
Outside the CenterContact if you have an event that you would like to list. Thanks for your interest and support of your park! Please contact us with any questions or suggestions. Let us know about any community events you are planning at the park so we can promote them. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and neighbors who use the Noe Valley Recreation Center. We want this newsletter to help build the park community — please help us connect with members of the community. Enjoy your Park! Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center |
Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center |