Happy New Year!

Camp Mather Registration Begins
Tennis, Anyone?
Upper Noe Neighbors Meet January 9
Puddle Problem?
Ladybugs Come Out for the Sun
Teen Jobs with RecPark
Granted or Not?
Canine Corner
Volunteer Opportunities
Camp Mather Registration Begins
The Camp Mather lottery opens January 7 and closes February 8. The popular High Sierra camp, operated by the Recreation and Parks Department, offers eleven one-week sessions running June 1 to the week of August 10.

Applicants have the option to rank in order of preference up to three possible weeks, and San Francisco residents are given priority. Rental contracts will be mailed in early March.
You can read more details about the camp in last year’s February FNVRC newsletter. Sign up here for the Camp Mather newsletter. For more information, visit http://sfrecpark.org/destination/camp-mather.
Tennis, Anyone?
A few classes at Upper Noe still need participants to remain viable, says Facility Coordinator Cheryl Woltjen. All tennis classes, Friday’s theater class for children ages 6 to 10, Friday’s combat athletics for children ages 11 to 13, and Tuesday indoor soccer for 9 to 13-year-olds are all wide open.

See the list of classes (listed by day and including descriptions) on our website. You can register for classes online at www.sfreconline.org, but you must have a "family account" to do so. Click here to create a family account.
Please note: Saturday morning’s Bow Wow Baking class was left out of the catalog but does appear on our list. Drop in on a class for $10 or sign up for the whole term.
Scholarships are available to eligible San Francisco residents through the Recreation Scholarship Fund. To find out if you are eligible, please email the department at sfreconline@sfgov.org or call (415) 831-6800 during business hours. For more information, visit the scholarship page of the department's website.
Upper Noe Neighbors Meet January 9
Meet Ingleside Police Station’s new captain and grill MUNI officials at Upper Noe Neighbors January 9 meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. in the center’s auditorium.
Captain Timothy Falvey will introduce himself, followed by a conversation with the MUNI Acting Deputy Director of Transit Services.
“Why do we still have other streetcars using our J-line tracks?” asks UNN President Vicki Rosen. “This was supposed to have ended ages ago.”
She also hopes to have a J-Church driver present to talk first-hand about what it's like to drive the route.
Later, a Sustainable Streets transportation planning manager will talk about the program’s progress. A division of the city’s Municipal Transportation Agency, Sustainable Streets designs, directs and manages all traffic engineering in San Francisco—pedestrian, bike, public transit and car.
Puddle Problem?
Facility Coordinator Cheryl Woltjen submitted a work order to fix the puddle that appears next to the sandbox in rainy weather. The problem will be examined shortly after New Year’s Day, she says.
“Hopefully they’ll just have to drill a hole,” she says.
Ladybugs Come Out for the Sun
Ladybug Gardeners will meet Saturday, January 12, so long as there is no rain, says lead Ladybug Joan Lionberger. This month volunteers will be weeding and laying down bark.
Bring your gloves and trowel and meet at the center’s office at 9 a.m.
Children needing to log volunteer hours for school can earn them by digging in the dirt! For more information, email info@noevalleyreccenter.com.
Teen Jobs with RecPark
Applications for this summer’s Workreation Program are being accepted through January 18.
The mentorship and training program for San Franciscan students ages 14-17 (or 18, as long as the student is still in high school) offers teens school-year and summer jobs in a variety of recreational, aquatic, horticultural, administrative, sports, afterschool and summer-camp positions.
Participants earn minimum wage and develop leadership and problem-solving skills. Practical skills like safety awareness, program planning and first aid are also part of the program.
Applications can be found online at http://jobaps.com/sf. Scroll down and select Class 9910 Public Service Trainee for the SF Recreation and Park Department. A job application workshop will take place on Friday, January 4, at 10 a.m. at the Tenderloin Recreation Center, 570 Ellis Street, near Hyde.
Interviews will take place mid-to-late February. Summer programming begins in June and ends in mid-August. For more information, contact Jennifer Gee at jennifer.gee@sfgov.org or 415-831-2785.
Granted or Not?
Winners of the 2012 Community Opportunity Fund grant will be announced January 9, says Jake Gilchrist, a project manager for the Recreation and Parks Department.
Cross your fingers for us: Friends of Noe Valley Recreation Center have applied for a grant to turn the neglected Sanchez Street side of the facility into an outdoor classroom.
Canine Corner
By Friends’ Chris Faust
The weather cannot dampen these spirits.
Though we've been inundated with heavy rains, the surface in Joby's Run is made of decomposed granite and drains well. The play area is usually ready for more frolicking within minutes after a downpour. And since it contains no organic matter (mud), after it dries the gravel brushes right off.
Rec & Park recently installed a filter with very small holes over the center drain to contain the gravel and keep the pipes clear. This also reduces the hazard to small dogs. The only drawback is that in heavy rains the filter tends to become clogged and form a puddle. Just grab a broom and give it a sweep to clear it. Play on!
Volunteers Needed
• Help advise the city on what classes should be offered at the Upper Noe Rec Center. Serve a term on the Upper Noe Recreation Center’s Community Recreation Council and help shape programming at the Center. A teen member is still needed! Please contact Cheryl Woltjen at 970-8061. The form is available on our website and at the center. Please either drop it off or mail it to: Cheryl Woltjen, UNRC, 295 Day Street, SF, 94131.
• Distribute our new Friends of NVRC postcard. This newsletter is distributed to nearly 1,000 “friends.” Make sure interested neighbors know about our group by helping distribute our informational postcard around the neighborhood. Please email molly (at) noevalleyreccenter.com if you know of a good shop or cafe to distribute the postcards. Or you could help put them somewhere frequented by park users.
• Lead a new event. Are you interested in organizing a new event at the Center? Maybe a game night or movie night? Please contact us at info (at) noevalleyreccenter.com.
• Garden at the Park. Help keep the park beautiful by volunteering with the Ladybug Gardeners on the second Saturday of every month. All ages welcome, no experience necessary. Even an hour would be a big help! Please contact us at info (at) noevalleyreccenter.com.
Community Events
January 9
Upper Noe Neighbors
7:30 p.m.
Recreation Center auditorium
Agenda will include an introduction of the new Captain of Ingleside Station (Timothy Falvey) and a discussion with Muni on some issues affecting neighbors.
January 12
Ladybug Gardeners
9 a.m.
Recreation Center office
Whack some weeds and dig in the dirt.
January 16
Community Recreation Council
6:30 p.m.
Recreation Center kitchen
Help shape programming and priorities at Upper Noe.
Outside the Center
January 16
Friends for Noe Valley Town Square
7 p.m.
St. Phillip School 725 Diamond Street at Elizabeth
Help turn the 24th Street parking lot at Sanchez into a town square.
Thanks for your interest and support of your park! Please contact us with any questions or suggestions. Let us know about any community events you are planning at the park so we can promote them. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and neighbors who use the Noe Valley Recreation Center. We want this newsletter to help build the park community — please help us connect with members of the community.
Enjoy your Park!
Molly Sterkel (molly@noevalleyreccenter.com)
Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center