February, 2024
The Sound of Silence

Parents enjoy conversation as children partake in A Place to Play. Recently installed red and gray acoustic panels on the wall eliminate echoing noise in this busy space. Photo by Chris Faust
Friends of Upper Noe Recreation Center just completed an acoustic upgrade project in the auditorium to eliminate echo and noise. Using add-back funding procured through Supervisor Mandelman, we designed and purchased beautiful and durable panels. Rec & Park carpenters completed the installation in early February. Support by rec center staff was amazing throughout this project. Enjoy the hushed environment as you play, exercise and gather for meetings.
Spring Session classes at Upper Noe run from March 19 through May 25. Registration opens March 2 at 10 a.m. League Volleyball, Girls’ Open Volleyball, and Karate classes return, as does Saturday Open Gym. Join the fun with free activities like A Place to Play, pickleball, Zumba, and others. View the daily schedule at www.uppernoerecreationcenter.com.
Promote park maintenance with 311. Get involved. If you see something, please say something. The most effective way to improve park conditions is to contact San Francisco Customer Service (311) either by phone, web or the super-easy-to-use phone app. Park personnel rely on your 311 reports to support service requests. Help them keep our park clean and safe for everyone.