June 2014 Newsletter
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Newsletter | June 2014
Did You Know? Upper Noe has new hours for Summer: Now open Monday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Keep It Safe Keep it Clean Gardening Anyone? Recent Happenings at Upper Noe 12 Stories Plays Upper Noe – June 28 Mystery Planter Donation Canine Corner Volunteer Opportunities Community Events Announcements: Summer Basketball Camp starts June 19 at Upper Noe and still has lots of openings available.See the Summer Schedule Women’s indoor soccer on Friday nights from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. is a great workout. All levels welcome. Drop-in fee only $5. Clear the Hall – Beginning June 2, there will be no congregating in the lobby Monday – Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Nannies will not be able to have children nap in the lobby during camp hours. Sorry for any inconvenience. Playground and Tennis Court Closed for Tree Trimming –
A picnic is a fun activity but remember to look around and dispose of all garbage, bottles and cans and food in the appropriate containers. A trashy environment invites all kinds of unhealthy creatures. Bottles left behind often wind up as broken glass. Keep it safe here for our children. Groups that leave a mess can lose future privileges to reserve the field or other areas. If you see a mess, please report it to the Rec Center office or call San Francisco Customer Service ( call 311 ) so that rhey can contact park maintenance. An after-dinner stroll can be a pleasant event. However, it can be intimidating when one happens upon a rowdy group that came to drink alcohol, smoke pot, and vandalize. Damage to the tennis court nets, graffiti and broken glass are usual occurrences when groups of partiers are left to their devices. It is okay to remind visitors that smoking and drinking are not acceptable in the park. A call to SF Police non-emergency 415 553-0123 is suggested to report suspicious activity, especially if a sizeable group has formed. Ask that officers come by to check it out. It is not necessary to observe specific illegal activity. Concern alone is enough. Oftentimes, a passive gathering will get out of hand later after too many libations. Drinking, especially underage drinking, is a serious concern. Left uncheck, word gets out and partying proliferates. The park closes at 10 p.m. No one should be on the grounds after that. Park Patrol locks the gates when they come by. If gates are still unlocked after 10:30 call them at 415 242-6391. Last month the Ladybugs made quite a racquet as they gained the advantage over the trumpet vines and undergrowth along the tennis court fence. The results are beautiful. Someone called out “Love all.” The Ladybugs appreciate the compliment. Contact Joan at ladybugs@noevalleyreccenter.com or just show up. Bring a hat and gloves. Bring family and friends, too. Children enjoy this activity. Recent Happenings at Upper Noe
While the music at the monthly Friends Concert in the Park is always child appropriate, the acts are quality entertainers who typically play for adults. Stop by and have a listen.
The plan is to have all of the feedback organized for presentation at next year’s event.
The stage is beautiful but much underused. Ask Cheryl at the Rec Center office about how your group might take advantage of this awesome community resource. 12 Stories Plays Upper Noe – June 28 This four piece combo just came out of the recording studio last week with two new original songs added to their repetoir.
No one knows how it got here. Its previously location was outside of the recently closed St. Paul’s Market at 29th and Sanchez. Considering how heavy it is, completely filled with potting soil, getting it here must have been no easy feat. Friends and park staff have decided to put it to the community: should it stay? If so, what kind of plant should we put in it? Send comments to info@noevalleyreccenter.com or speak to Cheryl in the office. Bicycles, skateboarding and scooters are not appropriate there. Rather than risk collisions, spills and making dogs nervous, it is best to keep these activities separate. The signs are helpful reminders.
Volunteers Needed• Help advise the city on what classes should be offered at the Upper Noe Rec Center. Serve a term on the Upper Noe Recreation Center’s Community Recreation Council and help shape programming at the Center. A teen member is still needed! Please contact Cheryl Woltjen at 970-8061. The form is available on our website and at the center. Please either drop it off or mail it to: Cheryl Woltjen, UNRC, 295 Day Street, SF, 94131. • Distribute our new Friends of NVRC postcard. This newsletter is distributed to nearly 1,000 “friends.” Make sure interested neighbors know about our group by helping distribute our informational postcard around the neighborhood. Please email molly (at) noevalleyreccenter.com if you know of a good shop or cafe to distribute the postcards. Or you could help put them somewhere frequented by park users. • Lead a new event. Are you interested in organizing a new event at the Center? Maybe a game night or movie night? Please contact us at info (at) noevalleyreccenter.com. • Garden at the Park. Help keep the park beautiful by volunteering with the Ladybug Gardeners on the second Saturday of each quarter. The next date in 2014 will be June 14. All ages welcome, no experience necessary, community service hours credited. Even an hour would be a big help! Please email ladybugs (at) noevalleyreccenter.com. Community EventsAt the Rec Center June 7 June 18 June 28
Outside the Center NERT Training in June Contact info@noevalleyreccenter.com if you have an event that you would like to list. Thanks for your interest and support of your park! Please contact us with any questions or suggestions. Let us know about any community events you are planning at the park so we can promote them. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and neighbors who use the Noe Valley Recreation Center. We want this newsletter to help build the park community — please help us connect with members of the community. Enjoy your Park! Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center info@noevalleyreccenter.com www.NoeValleyRecCenter.com |
Friends of the Noe Valley Recreation Center www.NoeValleyRecCenter.com |