2021 June News
Welcome to Summer!
Starting next week, the rec center will be alive with kids once again as they pile in for Adventure Camp. Three three-week sessions run 6/14 to 8/13 Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm for ages 6-9 and 10-12. Our beloved staff Cheryl, Levi and Alvin return this week to administer the program and watch over the park.
The playground and park remain open to the public with some restrictions. Summer camp activities take priority but the staff aims to accommodate as much casual use of the courts and field as possible. They will post times for camp activities in advance. The building remains off-limits to visitors and other activities during camp. Parents and nannies are asked to remain outside when dropping off and picking up.
The only other organized activity at Upper Noe this summer is SF Youth Baseball. Teams will practice every weekday afternoon and play games on Saturdays. Stop by and cheer them on.
By the end of June, we expect restrictions to relax when camp is not active. It is likely that evening and Saturday use of the gym and weekend rentals will return. Stay tuned.
We hear that efforts are in process to revive the Zumba in the Parks program and bring it back to Upper Noe on Saturday morning. Until then, visitors are welcome to jump into free Zumba led by Noe Valley native and recently certified Zumba instructor Moira DeNike. This casual group started four years ago with parents and staff at Dolores Huerta School and continued online for the past year. In April, about a dozen of them started meeting live on Tuesday mornings at 8:45. Just show up and get moving!
Summer Session at Other Locations
Registration continues for Virtual recreation programs for youth and adults, along with some in-person youth programming at the Randall Museum, Harvey Milk Photo Center, Sharon Art Studio, and the Golden Gate Park Senior Center. Learn more and sign up here.
Get out and play!