Public Safety Townhall with SFPD Chief Scott
It was standing room only for the March 10 Town Hall at Upper Noe Rec Center auditorium. Chief Scott, DA Jenkins, Chief Scott, Healthy Streets Operations Center director Sam Dodge, SFSAFE manager Furlishous Wyatt, and District 8’s public safety liaison Dave Burke. Attendees received important updates and a participated in a healthy dialogue about safety issues to ultimately shape a more safe and vibrant San Francisco for everyone. If you missed it, you can view it in its entirety at
If a Tree Falls in Upper Noe, Do You Hear About It?
Well, we did. And we rushed over to see what havoc the recent storms had caused. Fortunately, it was a small-ish tree in the Succulent Garden and gardeners took care of it right away. They will have the area replanted and looking 100% very soon.